哈哈哈.....paiseh啦,又那么多天没更新!(本人可是很忙得!><)不是啦,刚搬了新家,然而新家的还没装上上网的设备,加上又偷 不到别家的line(好像很理所当然的)等等理由,所以拖到今天才来更新!星期四那天,又和那班傻的去看戏了,这次多了个雌性动物。是本人第一次架那么远的车(在吉隆坡里),吃了点心后,才去看得。点心特价,一零吉的粥,面和猪肠粉!味道麻麻地...这星期看的是一部英文的喜剧,很好笑。
When high-powered book editor Margaret (SANDRA BULLOCK) faces deportation to her native Canada, the quick-thinking exec declares that she’s actually engaged to her unsuspecting put-upon assistant Andrew (RYAN REYNOLDS), who she’s tormented for years. He agrees to participate in the charade, but with a few conditions of his own. The unlikely couple heads to Alaska to meet his quirky family (MARY STEENBURGEN, CRAIG T. NELSON, BETTY WHITE) and the always-in-control city girl finds herself in one comedic fish-out-of-water situation after another. With an impromptu wedding in the works and an immigration official on their tails, Margaret and Andrew reluctantly vow to stick to the plan despite the precarious consequences.
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